Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Honor my wife.

Today, a small tribute to who MamaKat (Happy Birthday!) regularly tells me is the best part about me, my wife.

After almost 8 years of marriage, I have come to know her all too well. I know what pisses her off, though it doesnt stop me from testing it. I know what makes her smile and laugh, and only when I am at the top of my game will it be me. I know that her hips will instinctively turn every time a camera is pointed at her. I know that sure as death and taxes, every time I get in her car I will find diet Coke cans and PopTart wrappers from her predawn rides to the hospital.

And yet, occasionally, she surprises me. Like yesterday.

I had made a mistake. Again. You see, we have worked hard to eliminate our debt, under the guidance of Dave Ramsey, and we never carry a balance on a credit card. In fact, we only have a credit card for online purchase protection and other such necessities. But sure enough, we had a big month on the card, and with Christmas upon us, a hefty workload in December, and my ever-nagging Attention Deficit Disorder, I paid the bill late.

Sure enough, Mastercard thanked us for my oversight to the tune of a $39 fee, and $88 in finance charges...a $127 mistake courtesy of Jay. My wife was the first to open the bill, and assaulted me with the accusational news. No excuse, Im sorry honey. So she said,

"Will you call them and ask them to take it off?"

"Um...I don't think they do that, honey, they are in the business of making money off people like us...I mean me..."

"Yes, they will."

"Well, I dont think I really would know what to say to them...or what lie to tell, since we have no backup or proof that we did anything other than screw up."

So, here's the part where I am starting to come off my guilt, and give her the high and mighty attitude like I know it all about finance. As proven by my ability to pay the damn bill on time.

She picks up the phone, and goes to sit patiently on hold until she can get someone in India to help her.

They answer, "Mastercard, may we help you?'

"Yes, we got our most recent bill and noticed that we were penalized for paying our bill late...with the holidays we just got busy and forgot to pay it. Can you please take off all the penalties?"

I am LAUGHING (inside) at this point.

"No problem, ma'am, we'll take those right off. Anything else we can do to help?"

I stop laughing. Blood drains from my face. Drool starts to form at my lips.

"No, thanks... Thank you very much." and hangs up.

Looks at me...and says, "Honesty is the best policy".

I admired my wife yesterday. And I think I will again today as we go shopping, have lunch, see a movie, and spend the $127 that I worked so hard to keep.

Way to go, honey. And you don't need to turn your hips for the camera.
They are fantastic hips.

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Lindsay family said...

Great post... Thanks for making me smile.

She sounds like a great wife, indeed.

Jay @halftime lessons said...

My Happy Family -
eh...she's ok.


(whip cracks)

Yes, dear.

Ash said...

Thanks for proving once again that your wife rocks, and that you are one lucky dog.

I missed a month's worth of bills when Youngest was born and we had a couple of weeks of severe struggles - every single company helped me out. I was amazed.

Sometimes Sophia said...

Terrific post. I cringe at the thought of asking for late charges to be dropped (figuring we're "guilty as charged") but my husband doesn't blink. He's my hero.

Anonymous said...

That was cute!

Remember, if you are a faithful, on-time bill payer, most companies will erase a late fee at the most one time a year. It never hurts to ask, the worst they can say is "no".

Way to earn those brownie points!!

Kristina P. said...

This is exactly why I'm in charge of the finances. We know these things.

In fact, one of our credit cards that I had paid off sent us a letter telling us that we had an overdue balance and they wanted to give us a chance to pay it off before accruing late charges. After I paid it off, they tacked on the finance charge for the previous balance, which I didn't realize would happen, so they gave us a heads up. Who does that?!?!?

Cass. Just Curious said...

Great story and very smart wife!

amelia bedelia said...

awww, what a great guy you are, Jay! Never underestimate us girls!!

Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

You Are A Lucky man Sir !

Shannon @ Lifelong Impressions said...

I've also done that a couple times over the years, the pay late part, and each company will erase the charges once. After that they have no sympathy. Isn't being debt free an awesome feeling! We certainly love it.

jori-o said...

I'm sharing a line from Kung Fu Panda with your wife to use--she clearly deserves to--

"There is no charge for awesomeness...or attractiveness"

Have a great day!

angi_b72 said...

awesome post!!! it is times like this I wish I had a husband....lol...ok that moment is over now!! haha

Ali said...

Can I borrow your wife for awhile?

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

I have never managed to get them to drop a finance charge & I have asked a few times (which might be why they won't)

We're doing the Dave Ramsey thing too, almost have the last card paid off!

Young Momma said...

Wives are pretty cool that way, huh? My husband does the same thing. "I wouldn't know what to say" it's great. ;)
Glad your realizing what a great lady she obviously is - again. :)

Annie said...

Happy birthday to your better half!

Classy Fab Sarah said...

She's a smart woman!!

And I've heard that companies will remove charges like that - you just have to ask. Go Mastercard!

Anonymous said...

Your wife sounds awesome. Great post I'm sure well deserved also.

Anonymous said...

Score one for the Missus!

King of New York Hacks said...

Looks like your year will finish up with a happy ending. What?? Not that one dirty minds !!!

SuZ said...

What a great post!

KatBouska said...

Thanks for the birthday shout out! Your wife oughta have bitch slapped you for that one.

She did. Didn't she? Blog the facts Jay, blog the facts.

Thankfully Pat does the bills in this household...my only job is not to spend all the money we have. Sounds easy...

You guys are cute.

Crafty Christina said...

Smart wife!

Ann Harrison said...

Wow. She taught me something today.
Thanks Kat!!!

t said...

GREAT post. The hip comment was awesome. Happy New Year.

Lorie said...

So she's smart and quite the looker...CONGRATULATIONS!

jen aka mommay said...

Thanks...I loved reading this!

I keep hearing about Dave Ramsey...is it a book, show, dvd? What are you following? =)

Clare said...

love your post, you are married to a smart women. why does it always take men a while to figure that out!

Jenners said...

It is lovely when a man pays homage to his wife! You are one lucky dude!

Honey Mommy said...

Your wife is awesome... and wise! It never hurts to ask.

Happy New Year's!

Live.Love.Eat said...

That is so cute, funny & awesome!!!!! What a wonderful wife you have but you also sound pretty cool too for loving her as you do. Happy WW and Happy New Year!

Jenni said...

She's good...

Brittany said...

I love this post. Love it, love it, love it. Stumbled it. Loved it some more. I think I even sighed outloud and aww'ed about twenty times. Oh, and I made my husband read it. He says thanks.

Lorina said...

Haha.. I really like your wife without actually ever meeting her.

And man.. $127! Geez.. Remind me to cancel my Mastercard!

OHmommy said...

AWWWW.... what a smart wife. you are a lucky dude.

I wish my husband had a blog and was good w/words. Somedays.

Allison said...

Loved reading that! What a great wife!

Candy said...

Someone married up. I think it was you. Great post!

Unknown said...

I learned that trick from my wife too. Who knew they had heads on their shoulders too?

Practically Joe said...

Ahmmm. Uhhhh. Crap! I'm almost embarrassed to ask. Do you think she might pretend she’s my wife and make a phone call to the IRS for us?

Unknown said...

Your wife rocks. But then so do you for writing this post. What a great relationship!

And this post also proves one of my Dad's favorite sayings, "It never hurts to ask!"

Anonymous said...

Great friggin' post Jay....what's up with all you dudes? Asking for your money back on late fees is SOOO the thing to do. But also my dude would NEVER do it. I have no shame when asking for $....

...but really what has me so blown away is your impressive financial responsibility! You are a role model for us all....can you help me save for my kids' college? :-)

Amy W said...

Mama always knows best: It never hurts to ask.

You two sound like a wonderful couple!

Summer said...

"I know that her hips will instinctively turn every time a camera is pointed at her. I know that sure as death and taxes, every time I get in her car I will find diet Coke cans and PopTart wrappers from her predawn rides to the hospital."

I read this to my husband and he wondered if he had started a blog he didn't know about. Seems you are married to similar women! ha ha!

Jenni said...

Loved the story! Your wife sounds great! This is the kind of thing my husband is great at. Not that we need to get many late charges removed, but he's very diplomatic and good at getting what he wants. That should be my new year's resolution. . . more diplomacy!

Krazy Armstrong K's! said...

What a great post and what a great gal you got there! I love to read male bloggers (i dont see too many) and I love even more when they give props to their wife! Go give her a hug!

Scary Mommy said...

What would you men do without us? ;)

Heather said...

What a great wife you have. She sounds wonderful!

posthumous pointer
To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one's self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived - this is to have succeeded. - Emerson