When you visit my fledgling blog and are kind enough to write a comment to tell me how witty, intelligent, and fiery handsome I am, those comments I have set to come to my email, where I can pump up my ego wherever I am in the world.
But many times, I want to be able to respond to your comment right there over email, and unless you have it set to do so, I will be facing a "no-reply" address in the face...and my ego will be instantly deflated...for I will know that you adore me, but you don't REALLY want to strike up a conversation with me.
First, here is how to make the comments come to your email from your blog:
Click Customize
Click the Settings Tab
Click Comments
Where it says "Comment Notification Email?" enter your email address...you can enter up to TEN addresses!
Click Save Settings, and you are done.
Now, to make your comments reply-able:
Open your Profile Page
Click Edit Profile
Put check marks in "Share my profile" and "Show my email address"
Under "Identity" and "Email Address", put the email address you wish for to publish, and have your comment replies to come to
Want to change your "Display Name" while you are here? I like to use "Jay @ HalftimeLessons" for a little branding...I wouldnt use it for your name, of course...
Click Save Profile, and you are done, my friend.
Thanks to Carissa at "Good and Crazy People" for first teaching me this one. She seriously rocks...go look around.
Have you turned off that damn Comment Word Verification yet? Here's how.
And check out my right sidebar for more Blogger How-to articles.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago
Fine! I'll go turn off my comment-verification thing.
But if I get suckered by some guy in Kenya needing me to buy a car and ship it to him, I'm giving him YOUR number.
Tell him I said hello...and he still owes me from that Nigerian Bank deposit deal...
gheeze mr. bossy! okaay! ok, now test it and see if it works!! i want compliments!
Oh I hear you! I posted about this before too but I don't think I got more than a handful (not that I have more than a handful of readers) to change it. I hate seeing no-reply - especially when they have just made a brilliant comment that truly deserves a response and recognition. I've started so many e-mails only to realize they are no-reply people. It makes me sad.
Thanks for sharing these tips. I love getting responses to my comments through email (I actually set this up the other day accidentally).
I love getting my comments thru email. I also learned not to use my regular email address to on my profile. I set up another specifically for blog emails. :-)
i don't even know if my comments have to be verified or not, since i don't leave myself comments.
i'll go check it out, though. just for you.
Thanks for the tips/reminders!
I totally agree on this one. It makes the experience that much more enjoyable. Especially when you are asked a direct question via comment. Being able to reply directing to their comment from you inbox makes so much more sense. As for the word verifier, I don't know, thats giving up a lot of control for me. I'm a bit of a control freak.
My verification is OFF.
I think you can email me as well.
Just went and check this one - I was actually on the up and up - I did think it was funny - I did a giveaway on my blog recently and people would post with no blog and no reply email - hard to get in touch that way :)
I've been blogging for a year now, but still pretty new (as to how it all works). I hate the word verification thing, but until I read your email didn't know how to turn it off. Hopefully I'm in full compliance now. :)
I had my technically literate partner set mine up for me.
thank you God for the technically literate. And thanks for the tips!
Brilliant--it's suddenly all so clear!
Word verification is the devil.
Ya know, I HATE when I get the comment notification from noreply at blogger dot com....and it drove me crazy as to why some people's email showed while others showed that crap!
Well I had NO IDEA that mine was one that showed crap! LOL
Thanks SO MUCH for explaining how to fix that. I've fixed mine. :)
oooh, i hate no-reply. thanks for telling people about this...
This I did know how to do. Thanks to another recent post done by one of my friends.
I don't get it...seriously. What does this do? Why is it good for me to do? I don't get what you mean, what does this DO? Sorry...I am stupid with (very few) things!!
Thanks for these tips! I will go do them now!
I love it when comments are replyable!
I am so in agreement on that abominable word verifier. I am convinced it was conceived by someone at blogger who worked as a medieval torture artist in a former life.
Thank GOODNESS you did this because it's SO frustrating when I actually DO want to respond to a comment and I can't.
Thanks for the info! 'Preciate it! Of course, I was disappointed to realize these were all the settings I had already (thought I was learnin' something) bummer! But hey, I got in there and updated my profile... that hasn't happened since--ummmm June... lol Thanks for that!
Not sure my witness protection rep with the agency will be happy about it but I believe it's properly enabled now.
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