Yesterday, shortly after making our Giveaway winners video, Lil Miss C decided she had had it with her breakfast, and let it fly all over Mom and Dad's bed. She spent the rest of the day visiting and revisiting her bowl. But even with her face covered in hurl... she was still pretty cute. Enjoy.

Ohhh, poor girl :( I hope she is feeling better!
Yes, despite the sickness she is very very cute. Even laying in despair next to the bowl.
I am so sorry...I hope you fell better soon baby girl!
Poor thing. I wish I looked that cute after a day of puking. With me it's not so nice.
Poor angel. I'm on the tale end of a bought with motion sickness thanks to Wii Mario Cart. Yes, I am a loser of a mom.
But oh, that feeling. Nothing worse. Well, maybe feeling that way and having someone snap a picture. Nice, Dad! Did you use the flash too? ;-)
Hope today finds her better.
Awww, poor thing. I hate it when my babies are sick. We have a special trash can that's specifically for throwing up in. We'll probably have it bronzed when they get older:)
I'm just surprised there's no picture with her head in the toilet.
I happen to be a toilet girl.
Were you joining her last night? Poor baby-I hope she is better today. The pukeys suck!
Poor Baby!! I hate it when they feel so bad! Get to feelin' better soon!
Oh I hope it's shortly lived!! We also have a "bucket"...
Oh nooooo! Poor baby! I hope she is feeling better very soon!
Ugh. Poor bubby -- and poor parents! The worst thing about your kids getting the barfies is the wondering and waiting to see if they've passed it on to you. Hope she's on the mend!
Oh, poor baby!! I hope she is feeling better soon and will pray that the germs did not contaminate your bed enough to give it to you!
Stay healthy!
Oh, the poor thing.
That picture of her next to her bowl is priceless!
How is she today?
sweet girl, i hope she is feeling better!
I may have a nephew or two I can hook your sweet daughter up with.
I hear they love a girl who likes to puke on the sofa.
Poor thing! She looks like warmed over death in that first shot!!:(
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