The nice folks over at BlogHer were kind enough to give me fair warning that I have a commitment to post once every so often in order to keep my sidebar. I like BlogHer quite a bit, they have been really good to me so far, so I am sporadically posting during my hiatus in the hopes that they won't dump my tushie. So BlogHer, thanks for the email reminder instead of not simply hitting the "off" switch on me.
My family is pretty glad to have me "mentally home" as well as physically, and I have been extraordinarily busy, even without the blogging habit. Work is bad, family is good. Things are ok.
But I didn't realize how much I would miss you all.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago
Great pictures of your children. Have a wonderful day.
The feeling is mutual :-).
Probably not anymore than we miss you. But we all do what we must.
Adorable squidlings you have there. Enjoy!!
That boy looks just you. Maybe it's the open mouth... Darling kids!!! I have missed you!!
Cute pic! Glad to hear you are doing ok while on hiatus.
So glad you popped back in!! Miss you!
come baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack
Cute kids. :-) Work is supposed to be bad, makes you treasure home more. ;-)
Glad to hear you are alive!
I like the mentally home line. That is the damn truth. One of the MANY reasons I like the new team MWOB vibe is that aspect. I am much more available and not so consumed with daily posting etc. I have a busy busy family life and being more available to them in my brain is soooooo essential for me.
Enjoy it dude. See you on the flip side.
That picture is simply LOVE>
Cute Kids, They actually look like they like each other....unlike mine :)
Good to hear you are doing well.
Glad things are going well on the homefront.
Yay for a new post every once in awhile!
Oh my goodness. THose smiles. Really made my day......I'm glad BlogHEr is obligating you to post. :) I'm glad the family is doing well and enjoying your full attention. Out of curiosity, BlogHer has worked out well for you?
Very cute kids!
How nice of them to allow us to hear from you from time to time. Hope that things get easier over time.
Enjoy that "home time" that you are blessed to have.
Miss you too.
It was a happy surprise to see you on my reader!
I'm glad BlogHer is strict :)
YAY! A post! I miss your posts! :( Hope work gets better. Your kids are cuties!
Love the pic...I'll take a random post every now and then
Yay. We have missed you!!!
Made my day brother to see you throw up a cameo post for now. You know how I feel pal. Miss ya.
Adorable kiddos. Super sweet photo. It's always nice to have things going well at home :o)
Happy WW from Sara @ Mostly Wordless Wednesday HQ!
Miss you too!! Glad you're going to post once in a blue moon!!
Great picture! Thanks for sharing. It is so hard to juggle all our responsibilities. It always feels like something is left on the back burner.
We're missing you Jay. Hope all is well. Cute kiddos!
Enjoy your Wednesday...
I think it's healthy to pop in every once in awhile...keep us wanton for you.
What a sweet photo of them!
We miss you too!
Awesome pic! We miss you too!
Well we miss you, too! Knock this break crap off and come on back!
CUTE picture!
Well isn't that sweet of them to send a reminder!?
But actually the real definition of "sweet" is epitomized by that picture of your two "sweet"hearts! ; )
Glad to hear from you Jay...
We miss you too, Jay.
What is "BlogHer"?
Glad to check in and see a post from you. Also glad to read that "family is good & work is bad"; I mean it could be the other way around and that would be far worse. Adorable children, they look very happy to be posing for the camera!
:( I miss you, Jay! (even though email has been fun)
Come baaaaaaack!!
Good to hear from you! And good to know you aren't being dumped.
Your kids are cute!
Thank goodness for WW--just throw up a picture (and a cute one at that!) and boom, instant post! See you next Wednesday:)
That picture is just simply too cute for words! Great to see a post from you. You are missed!
So is that all it takes? A little threat from BlogHer? (Hmmm... you're giving me an idea ;-> )
The family looks great, look forward to when you're back !!
Now thems are happy faces!!
You are missed...Hope all continues to go well:0)
PS - Make sure you check out the annual Tuesday F. Whitt Blog Party, going on till the 12th! Let's kick pediatric cancer's butt one dollar at a time! Go to
High five blogher! It's so good to hear from you. Kids are just as precious as always.
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