One quick thing...Wednesday is the big announcement...come see.I don't have international dialing, or I'd do it myself...
Would someone mind calling Chile for me and telling them their wine sucks? Actually, maybe they were trying to tell me themselves with the name they gave it...
Let's see...Five bucks, Wal-Mart, "Obviously"....well, duh. My bad.
I would have Tributed this tomorrow, but I have my three-folk Tribute lined up and rarin' to go already.
How about you...anyone have a recommendation for a low-priced red wine they love? Anyone can spend $30 on a bottle of wine, but it takes a true swill hunter to find a great tasting CHEAP wine...comment me on the inexpensive reds you love and I'll try them.
Are you gonna Tribute someone or something tomorrow? You may have noticed that sometimes us Tribute loyalists choose serious topics, and other times the sillier subjects prevail. But the point, as always, is that around here, Tuesday isn't about you.

The horrible truth is this - there's no such thing as a good cheap red. Believe me, Hubs and I have done massive in-depth research the past couple of months.
Moderately cheap, yet good: Coppola Merlot - you can usually score it for about $13 at Walmart.
This week only, say the secret phrase "Em is a lush" and they'll give it to you for $11.
okay... first off... Walmart and Wine DO NOT MIX!!!
Now...I live in So Cal, and we have a winery here that sell the most incredible red, they sometimes run out, it is so popular.
Bev Mo sell it, and it's called
Stella Rosa... by San Antonio Winery. and it says Conti d'Alba on the label also.
It tends to be on the sweet side, but pairs beautifully with savory dishes... and it's alcohol content is only 5% per volume.
Another good one by this winery is a white (I know... I know...there is no such thing as white wine...)
but this one is good too...
Muscato di Asti.
Hope this helps... if you are ever in So CAl... let me know and I will meetyou and help you buy a case at the winery here...
Try Clos de Bois...You won't regret it! Hubby used to bartend back in the day, and loved it...Now I do too!
Turning Leaf has some decent reds, usually in the $7-10 range depending on the store & the sale. They are often on sale. I got some for $6.99 at Target last week. There are some good Australian reds too for under $12 a bottle. Not the Barefoot one but a couple others with animals in the name. I think one is Emu. bought wine from Wal-Mart. Uh, what to say to that.....
**snubs her nose** buying wine at walmart?? that's just WRONG!! ;)
the only wine advice i have for you is this: stick to vodka.
I love Kendall Jackson cabernet or Black Opal cabernet merlot. The kendall is under 20, and the Black opal under 10! Both yummy!
um, and why doesn't MY Walmart have wine? Seriously?
Happy Monday Jay - well with all of this Wal-mart chat, maybe you don't have a Trader Joe's nearby?? Every wine drinker I know swears by TJ's "Two-Buck Chuck". Charles Shaw at Trader Joe's is like $2.99 for a bottle of red and I don't know anyone who drinks it who doesn't like it. If you don't have a Trader Joe's, maybe it's worth traveling for... ? :-)
I must disagree, Em (really?! how unlike me, right Jay?). The Columbia Crest Two Vines is a great red wine, and at $6 a bottle it's ridiculously affordable.
Is there such a thing as good red wine? (hic)pass me the box of blush, bitch(hic).
I don't like any reds- I'm a blush or white zin hick like Jill- by the box or big fat gallon jug- and when it's empty I play a song on it like that guy on Hee Haw!
My WalMart doesn't sell booze! Dang it!
I'm convinced there is no such thing as a good cheap red wine..Obviously.
i like RED. no, seriously, that's what it's called. you can usually find it for $7-13. good luck :-)
Wine at walmart... what were you thinking... its almost the same as buying wine at a gas station... or in the cooking section of a grocery store...
If you have a fresh and easy around you they sell a good cheap red. Equivelant to 2 buck chuck at trader joes. Its called Big kahuna. Also, we went to a cabernet tasting party recently and the wining wine (from a blind test) was beringer! Its like 10 bucks and pretty dang good!
And for the record, I have a hangover from a very lovely Cabernet called Downing...
No more walmart wine, please :)
wine from walmart? you might as well have bought wine in a box. hehe you should review your wines on fri on dad blogs.
i don't really drink, so i got nothing for ya.
I am a white girl, myself, but I like Kendall Jackson and Yellow Tail has a nice Shiraz. They are Both cheap. Actually, I don't mind any of Yellow Tail's wines.
Well Obviously (pun totally intended), I don't need to jump on the "What were you thinking, wine at walmart etc" bandwagon..
So, with that out of the way, we really enjoy a good South Eastern Australian - current fave from Yellow Tail, shiraz and merlot both very
However, the best recent was Lindemans Cabernet Sauvignon (2006) from South Africa - very good and I think from Sprouts on sale.
You could even walk to Sprouts and then not have to brave the wally world madness!!
Happy Hunting! :)
[Fellow "Hot Dad" checking in for the first time...]
Yeah, I don't know squat about red wine, so I'm no help whatsoever. My dad made his own with some Portugese co-workers when I was a kid and it was VILE!
I like this Tribute idea. I think I may have to take a break from TMI Tuesday for a while and give that a shot!
Okay- as a general rule I do not buy wine at Walmart. Though I also avoid Walmart at all costs. I hate that place. I do, however, love Target and while I am not a boxed wine person I do have to say their Cube wine is pretty good and affordable. My brother supplies most of my wine as he works for a vineyard. The wine is in the $20- $30 range but I will throw the link out there anyhow. Its a small winery and darn good if you ask me. I am no wine snob but my brother is and if you really want some good reccomendations I can pass his info along to you. He worked for a huge wine distributor or years so he knows alot about wine and beer. Whenever I am in a pinch I give him a call and have him steer me to a good find under $10.
the cheap wine isn't always the best...but we like HOGUE a lot. it's tasty and pretty inexpensive. hogue merlot isn't too's at our local grocery store too, grab some cheese and pic up some wine.
I got nothin'.
We have a Winery here is Ohio that I love Terra Cotta...they ahve the best wine i have had for a long time. There is a good one in Put In Bay in Ohio too and you may be able to buy it all over the US, i will have to get the name for you.
Clos Du Bois is a great wine. Also, Mirassou Pinot Noir and Cabernet Sauvignon are around $9-11a bottle at WalMart and are great. DH and I took both kinds of Mirassou to a wine tasting party with a bunch of wine snobs and the pinot was the favorite of the night!
Is there such thing as good wine? lol. I kinda had to laugh at your below post, but you know, it is really, really sad, that neuroblastoma has no symptoms still usually stage 4. So sad.
Penfolds makes some VERY good wine in my book. They have some bottles around $30 but some other ones for half the price. I was also impressed with a bottle called the Zen of Zin.
I am now thinking of wine and need some.
Walmart sells wine???? In Canada we have to go to a special liquor store Liquor Store! Original huh?
Well, when you went shopping for wine at Walmart, you had to know it wasn't going to end up in a good way.
Sadly, I think I will be revealing a bit too much about myself when I tell you that I don't actually drink wine, unless you count Strawberry Hill as wine. Which I do. And it's less than $5. Presto.
Personally, when I want to be a cheap wino, I go for Arbor Mist Blackberry Merlot. I can actually chug this down in a New York minute. (I am not a drinker...but when I do occasionally partake of this beverage, it's gone FAST...)
Trader Joe's actually has some good cheapies. And there's always BevMo and their 5 cent sale.
I wish I had a recommendation for you but seeing as I don't drink wine--I'm probably not much help. Good luck with your quest!!
Of course, I'm nowhere near my wine cellar so I cannot confirm— but I do know that Barefoot sells cheep but good tasting wines… but I'm not sure if they sell reds or just Chardonnay.
OK I am not a wine expert but I think that buying it Walmart ( though Walmart is probably the best place in the world) is where you went wrong... then again.. I enjoy a nice glass of Boone's Farm every once and a while and thats a whopping $5.oo! Sorry... cant help ya! Think i might have to Tribute Walmart tomorrow... now that I think of it LOL
I know NOTHING about wine so I can't help you at all. But even I know that Wal-Mart and wine are not a good combination! Also, don't get any wine in a box.
And my husband turns 40 on Wednesday so I'm writing my tribute about him! It was great timing -- the post is one of my birthday gifts to him. (I'm cheap like that.)
You did NOT say Chilean wine sucks!! You monster!!
Try Marqués de Cáceres.
The funny thing is, after you drink enough of the cheap stuff, it numbs the taste buds.
And I don't know this from experience. Really. I read it somewhere. Like maybe on the back of a cereal box.
I don't do red wine...I am of no use to you in this matter.
I will drink Yellow Tail Merlot, Cabernet, and the list goes on and on any day!! And literally...I mean every day. Every single day. Dare, I repeat myself? Everyday.
I had this really good red once....and then I woke up in a strange place...with glitter on my face...
I might recognize it by the label if I saw it again...but I doubt it. Maybe it had glitter on it?
Probably not huh, but I keep hoping....
I do like reds from Spain, spicy! World Market has some good ones for great prices.
We drank a lot of Santa Helena Cab before I got preggers. Hmmm... maybe that's HOW I got preggers! ; )
Also, J. Lohr Cab. Yum.
I have a $6 bottle of Sangria I wouldn't kick out of bed. Mostly because then the bottle would break and oh what I mess I'd have then.
Not a big wine drinker though.
Go to Trader Joes and and try any of their red wines.
They're really good and inexpensive.
And don't ask me how I know that. I don't drink wine. No way no how.
Fine, I drink wine. So sue me.
Find Fat Bastard wine. Yes, it's really called that, and yes, it's really good.
Now, go forth and find you some Fat Bastard. {giggle}
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