Here's the part where you get to ask ME a question, and if it is the least bit thought provoking, I'll answer it in a post.
Or, maybe the question is which case I will actually be QUALIFIED to answer it...
To ask your question, simply post it in the comments below. If it's a short answer, I'll answer it there...if it takes more, I'll post it. Either way, I have a feeling I'm in trouble...
And keep it relatively clean, people..this is a family least use the proper medical terms. ;-)
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago
i'll start with a soft ball... how did you meet your wife, and what did you do to trick her into marrying you? they'll get tougher, i PROMISE.
Ahhh, yes. The wife. Yeah, this one is gonna take some thought...a delicate balance between creativity and slitting my own throat...this one will be a blog post...coming soon!
What's your age difference?
Well, lets get right to the heart of the matter. Yes, Kat looks much older than I do, but then, men age so gracefully. I swore to her when we met that I would never hold her advanced age against her, and despite her advancing years, I love her, and will not consider putting her in a home until the kids are out of the house.
She is nine years my junior.
However, since women are more mature than men, we happen to be exactly the same emotional age...22. I was told once by a dear friend that I needed to find a "young spirit" to match my personality. It was many years later I realized my dear friend was calling me an immature jerk.
Since my life expectancy is 72, and my wife's is in her 90s, I have encouraged her to go ahead and start dating NOW.
Hmmmm.....this is a tough one.
What is your biggest, most secreted guilty pleasure?
I am 7 years younger than Brent if you didn't guess that one.
Where did you grow up and what childhood trauma gave you your quick wit? ;)
Jay, I need a guy's view on this:
My husband and I were shopping at Costco. I noticed him staring at a tall, thin brunette (I am short and blonde). I did not say anything. As we were leaving and walking thru the parking lot, she was loading the back of her SUV. Again he was staring at her and not paying attention and ran over me with the cart! I then said if he had not been staring at some other woman he might not crash the Costco cart into his spouse! He denied staring at her (LAME!), and that was the end of it. It has really been bothering me since. Am I being hyper-sensitive? I know he loves me. I want a man's point of view, even if it may sting a bit. Thanks!
I answered Kristin's and Anonymous' questions here:
How do you get the little links at the top that make your blog look like a real web site (like the Challenge Me button)? Is it a template in Blogger that I'm missing?
Can you do a "How To" on how to add a Mr. Linky section to a post? Mine may only be, me , you , deb, Jen and maybe 3 more, but Iwouldlike to learn the skill. Thanks
Why the h*ll can't I see Mr. Linky? This has been happening for several week! You must save me, Jay, I can't link up to the carnivals unless I can see him!
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