Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tuesday's Tribute - Inaugural

Tuesday's Tribute
Yet Another Jay and Deb Production.

I think I've made it pretty clear that I am happy with my male status, as offbeat as I may be. But if I were to choose a woman to be, I think it might be...this lady. You know... fun, hilarious, pretty fair lookin'?

Or maybe this gal...amazing heart, giving...

But definitely if I had the chance to be TWO women...I think I might have to pick this pair. If you have been living under a rock for the past six months, Carissa and Jyl have exploded into our bloggy lives and developed a fun, energetic community based around contribution and giving back.

I met Carissa first, and was immediately astounded at how welcoming she was to a newcomer, as well as willing to show me the ropes. I modeled my "How-To" posts after her willingness to teach other bloggers new things, which I really admired and appreciated. Soon after, I met Jyl through her sweet comments and tweets, and was finally amazed when they encouraged me to come participate in Guys Girls Night Out (#gno) on Twitter.

But it didnt stop there...GNO became a rage success, and the sassy pair quickly discovered the power behind their rage..the ability to help others. They ran a hugely successful food drive in November, challenged everyone to perform and write about a random act of kindness in December, and are hard at work changing the world One Mommy at a Time. Take some time, look at their work, and think about getting involved...they make us all better.

So I dedicate this Inaugural Tuesday's Tribute to you, Carissa and Jyl. It is such a small thing to say, but...

Thank you.

Check out their work at the following links:

Jyl's Blog - Mommy Gossip
Follow Jyl on Twitter
Carissa's Blog - Good and Crazy People
Follow Carissa on Twitter
#GNO Website
#GNO Cares

To participate in Tuesday's Tribute, Fill out a Mr. Linky below with your name and URL address to your Tribute. Need a details, or a button? Go Here.

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Unknown said...

What a great inaugural post! These ladies are the best.

Kristina P. said...

They are great! I've met Jyl in person a couple times, and hopefully, Carissa will be here in March!

Straight to Your Hart said...

Great ladies they are!!

Annie said...

And they are off! I'm off to read your ladies!

Sarah said...

:-) Good post, I agree.

Summer said...

Love it. Going to check them out.

Summer said...

P.S. Off subject, but can you back up a blog from a Mac?

MomItForward said...

Shut up shut up shut up! Okay. Am tearing up. I really am. Where do you live again? I may have to find a way to stalk you in real life...

You know how GNO (and then MomItForward started? Cuz I was lonely after moving, and while I could keep up with my bloggy pals I wanted instant chatting ability but so few of my 'friends' knew what twitter was yet... so I taught 2 friends how to use twitter one night. That's it, from 3 to all this.... tears I tell ya.

Jay, you rock. Thanks and Thanks.


(Kristina I'll be there with bells on, Melanie you there too? Any other Utahns.. I'm SOOO THERE!)

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

How did I miss this...I have been waiting all day, and some how I missed it...

I guess I live under a rock....off to meet these two lovlies right now.

Sera said...

I'll admit it. I've been living under a rock the past six months. But, hey, I just started blogging a couple months ago, so I think we should just let it slide this once. I'm on my way to check out their stuff - they sound fantastic! And, I'm totally excited about this new weekly feature - thanks for getting it up and running.

Sera said...

CRAP. The link I put in the first Mr. Linky was the wrong stinkin' link. I put a new link with the correct site up. I'm sorry - I don't want to be a Linky hog. Is there any way to take me off the first one? Again, I'm sorry!

Young Momma said...

Okay - I maaaaybe kinda cheated... but I did it! Check it out. ;)

By the way, I love that you like to follow my financial shinanigans. :) But...(cough, cough) I don't think I can afford to get that (cough, cough) checked out yet. ;)

Beth said...

I feel bad... Typically, I'm a gee dee Pollyanna and now my first tribute is a negative one.

Nice inaugaral post.

Claremont First Ward said...

What a well deserved tribute to a dynamic duo. They are both pretty amazing!

The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said...

I'll be checking your ladies out later today! What a great inaugural post....I didn't know what to expect...very cool. Thanks Jay and Deb!


Stacy Uncorked said...

Great inaugural post! And yes, I've been living under a rock... ;) So I'm off to check out the lovely ladies...thanks for spotlighting them so we can all stalk...er, um, meet and follow them! ;)

t said...

Love those gals....they rock!

Lacey said...

Great post! I'm off to check them out right now! :D

Natalie said...

Love the new idea!

Anonymous said...

great inaugural post jay!! i am eternally grateful to my tribute spotlight winner!! and to you and deb!! ;) thanks again!!

Deb said...

they are the best... patient, generous, gorgeous. i could go on and on, but they both know how i feel.

good choice-- however, you'll have a tough time topping yourself.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Oh man, I had a blonde moment...I put the wrong link in Mr. Linky (though the Happy Birthday Little Princess post would be a nice 'tribute'...LOL!) Can you please kick me off the #20 spot so I'm not a Mr. Linky hog, either? I added the correct link (I hope!!) in the current #25 spot...Sorry, seems I'm having more Blonde Moments this week! :)

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Mine's up... was hard... you kinda shocked me there... I had to tell Jyl, I was all oblivious all day long tweeting with ya and trying to help get the word out about the new Tuesday Tribute and all.. then how dumb am I.. takes me several hours to even get over here to see what you really did! Sorry for the denseness, better late than never??

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i love this idea, and i can't wait to play along!

KatieZ said...

Hi Jay, It's been a while since I have entered the bloggy world. Remember me? Carissa's little sis. Anyway loved this idea, so I hope you don't mind that I joined in with you today?!

Thanks for the inspiration!

Ali said...

Great tribute! Wow, look at that linky list grow!

angi_b72 said...

I made it...barely! Great Post!

Honey Mommy said...

What fun! I'll have to participate next week for sure!

Crafty Christina said...

Awesome post! I did a tribute as well.

Anonymous said...

Dude I'm one of those chicks whose been living under a rock as you say. I had no idea who these gals were and am loving checking out their BIG scene. I couldn't pull it together to tribute today but I'm going for it next week. I'm getting all hammered today - by my kids.

Nice work as always...:-)

Becky said...

What a great post and idea. I missed today but will definitely pick it up next week!

Tabitha Blue said...

Oh, very great post... I've seen the GNO, but not the blogs. I'm off to check those hot ladies out!!!!



Mrs4444 said...

This is a nice idea! I notice that you have a very bold policy over there about awards. I love it. I have a rule that I will accept awards but not pass them on until you post yourself doing a "Stupid Human Trick." I think it's helped :) Off to check out those links!

Anonymous said...

I'm a day late and a dollar short on this one but I will be back next week. :)

Yay for Carissa & Jyl!!

Kate said...

Hey great post. I got your twitter message about a new Tuesday addition and had to check it out.

posthumous pointer
To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one's self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived - this is to have succeeded. - Emerson